The COVID-19 pandemic and its environmental implications – The European Sting - Critical News & Insights on European Politics, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Business & Technology

(Credit: Unsplash) This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Gabriela de Mattos Laube and Ms. Mariana Fonseca Santana and Ms. Kamila Andrade Santana, two second-year medical students from  Universidade Tiradentes, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. They are affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of TheContinue Reading

Plastic Treaty progress puts spotlight on circular economy

When the gavel came down on the resolution to end plastic pollution at the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) in Nairobi last March, there were hugs and tears among the delegates. The emotion reflected the importance of this historic milestone: a legally binding global instrumentContinue Reading

illegal Chinese fishing

If the term “illegal fishing” conjures images of small numbers of scattered vessels independently pirating the sea’s resources, think again. The problem of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing stems increasingly from state-supported deep water fishing fleets, including massive trawlers accompanied by sustainment vessels, freezer, and transport vessels. Operating continuouslyContinue Reading

New TEDCO Study Outlines Critical Steps Needed to Cultivate a Thriving, Inclusive and Growing Innovation Economy

Recommendations include funding an Equitech Growth Fund and the establishment of an innovation-focused commission COLUMBIA, Md., Jan. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — TEDCO, Maryland’s economic engine for technology companies, unveiled a legislatively mandated Maryland Innovation Competitiveness Study—one that could lead to a 5-year, $250 million down payment for an Equitech Growth Fund andContinue Reading

China Has a New Plan to Strengthen its Data Economy

The Chinese government released a new document outlining 20 measures for strengthening its data economy. China defines data as a new factor of production and the foundation of digitalization, networking, and intelligence. As such, Beijing considers basic data systems a matter of national growth and security. On December 19, 2022,Continue Reading

EV Sector in India to boost both the economy and the environment

Given the rise in global warming, making ecologically sensible choices and combating climate change are crucial . EVs are one such environmentally responsible solution. The global automobile industry is undergoing a paradigm shift as it tries to switch to alternate, less energy-intensive solutions. The rise in oil import prices, risingContinue Reading