Nets, Plastic, Underwater Crime – How To Stop Ocean Pollution

HATAY, TURKIYE – SEPTEMBER 5: A view of polluted water and plastic wastes claim many sea turtles … [+] lives and other marine species in Hatay, Turkiye on September 5, 2021. Sea turtles play critical roles in the marine environment but plastic waste destroys natural life and harms the lifeContinue Reading


There has been a renewed interest in AI-focused blockchains such as the Ocean Protocol as of late. The platform remains a pioneer in the data market due to its unique combination of features and recent improvements. The Ocean Protocol operates as an open-source blockchain-based data exchange. It empowers builders and startupsContinue Reading

Using fungi, researchers convert ocean plastic into ingredients for drug industry

LAWRENCE — Research on fungi underway at the University of Kansas has helped transform tough-to-recycle plastic waste from the Pacific Ocean into key components for making pharmaceuticals. The chemical–biological approach for converting polyethylene uses an everyday soil fungus called Aspergillus nidulans that has been genetically altered. The results were reportedContinue Reading

Even at the Bottom of the World, the Ocean Is Belching Plastic

With its small population and remote location, New Zealand might hope to be sheltered from the world’s plastic pollution. But new research shows that’s far from the case. In a recent study published in Environmental Science and Technology, researchers report a mist of microplastics is constantly drifting across the country’sContinue Reading

12 Biggest Ocean Cleaning Companies and Startups

In this article, we discuss the 12 biggest ocean-cleaning companies and startups. To see more such companies, click 5 Biggest Ocean Cleaning Companies and Startups. The Blue Economy As governments, institutions and investors all over the world begin to understand the gravity of the climate change problem, they are alsoContinue Reading

There is no livable planet without the ocean

Gim Huay Neo and Kristian Teleki Cologny, Switzerland   ●   Wed, January 11, 2023 2023-01-11 05:52 0 c97e657e05ceb3aec6820f63efe198c4 2 Academia ocean,sustainability,climate-change,biodiversity,Conference,G20,environment,business Free The ocean is vast, and its beauty and bounty move the soul. The potential of the ocean to be a powerhouse of sustainable business and equitable, resilientContinue Reading

IPCC. In IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (IPCC, 2019). IOC-UNESCO. Global Ocean Science Report 2020-Charting Capacity for Ocean Sustainability (UNESCO Publishing, 2020). Sala, E. et al. Protecting the global ocean for biodiversity, food and climate. Nature 592, 397–402 (2021). Article  CAS  Google Scholar Continue Reading