Looking for CMO candidate standouts: 5 takeaways

While evaluating a short list of CMO candidates, I noticed something interesting. On paper, each candidate had similar experiences and appeared to fit well. Yet, when we spoke to each, their narratives were completely different. While not shocking, what stood out was their approach to the role and perceived contextContinue Reading

COP15: Biodiversity Firmly Back on the Regulatory Agenda

January 6, 2023 Click for PDF On 19 December 2022, representatives from 188 countries adopted a new agreement at the United Nations (“UN”) Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, Canada, to guide global action on nature.[1]  The agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (“GBF”), is the result of several years of negotiationsContinue Reading

4 troubling takeaways from new Mass. climate report

Environment Here are a few of the major impacts the climate crisis could have on the Bay State by 2100. Water flooded a street during high tide in East Boston during Friday’s storm. Michael Dwyer/AP Summers like the South. Premature deaths because of poor air quality. Even more difficult toContinue Reading

Food For The Planet: 5 Takeaways From 2022

Food’s connection with health — both for humans and the planet — was often overlooked and neglected for the last 200 years in the western world. In 2022, though, the importance of food for the planet reemerged as an integral part of good everyday health and healing, a way toContinue Reading

Omnibus package: 4 takeaways on energy and environment

The Senate voted 70-25 Tuesday evening to take up the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that includes modest increases for energy and environment agencies. While the Senate and House have days of work before final passage, the vote showed there is significant bipartisan support for the bill, even with conservativeContinue Reading

Takeaways From GreenBiz Group’s VERGE 22

Electric charging station for electric vehicles in a parking lot. getty The transportation industry is on a fast track to contribute to the ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. Widespread electric vehicle (EV) adoption is moving farther beyond early adopters with each new driver andContinue Reading

2022 primary season takeaways - Vox

When the first primary votes were cast, Russian troops were on the outskirts of Kyiv, gas prices were rapidly rising, Roe v. Wade was still the law of the land, and Queen Elizabeth II was alive. By Tuesday, when the last primaries before Election Day were held, Russians were rapidlyContinue Reading